Lil Stuff by Kellylulu
Spring crops planted in our garden
  Well Spring is finally here.  I was reminded of its coming by the Crocus that faithfully popped up in our front yard.  They are so nice and cheery to look at as were were shoveling, hoeing and turning over the winter rested soil in our vegetable garden.  I like gardening, how about you? Whether it be a small flower bed, or a big huge vegetable garden, there is a certain satisfaction in seeing something you chose and plant thrive and grow into a beautiful plant.  This year we are biggering our vegetable garden by just a bit for a couple reasons. Economic times are a little tight for us so growing some of our food is a good way to alleviate the grocery budget. More importantly however, is the fact that we can grow most everything organic. In a world that is so filled with chemicals, additives and of course the threat of nuclear fallout, it is nice to know where your food is coming from.  And of course there is nothing like a homegrown tomato fresh out of the garden.      
   I am excited to see our garden grow this year as I have been doing a lot of reading about companion planting. GH Organics has a great list on their web site with lots and lots of vegetables and flowers that compliment each other by repelling bugs, improving taste or helping to keep weeds down.  They also tell you what NOT to plant in close proximity.  This is a portion of what the web site says about potatoes... Horseradish, planted at the corners of the potato patch, provides general protection. Alyssum makes a perfect living mulch for them. Don't plant these around potatoes: asparagus, cucumber, kohlrabi, parsnip, pumpkin, rutabaga, squash family, sunflower, turnip and fennel. Keep potatoes and tomatoes apart as they both can get early and late blight contaminating each other. With all this in mind we are keeping records of what we plant and trying to have a healthier, happier garden through companion planting.    
  Back to the Crocus....I can't help but post a sweet picture of our little grand baby sprout wearing the newest vintage upcycled dress I made her.  My daughter in law and I are preparing to launch a new Etsy store for vintage and upcycled baby and toddler clothes.
Stay tuned as we get ready to launch the Fable Rose vintage upcycled clothing collection for babies and toddlers on Etsy
Here is an update to our garden, the peas, lettuce and beans are coming up nicely!